\paperw7200 \margr0\margl0 \plain \fs20 \f1 \b Skopas (Paros - ca. 420 BC - 330 BC)\par
\b0 A Greek artist born on Paros around 420 BC, he produced many works, most of
them statues of gods for temples. He participated in the decoration of the mausoleum in Halicarnassus and the Artemision (Temple of Diana) at Ephesus. He was able to endow his creations with feeling and expression. The Dancing Maenad in Dresden and the
Meleager in Villa Medici are among his most important works. He exercised a powerful influence on Hellenistic artists.\par
\b Solon (Athens ca. 640 BC - ca. 560 BC)\par
\b0 From a noble family, he was made archon in 594 BC. He introduced a variet
y of political, social, and economic reforms into Athenian life. However the reform for which he is most famous, that of the subdivision of the population on the basis of wealth rather than birth, was probably carried out later. He was also a poet, but v